Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Nursing Family Assessment and Care Plan

Question: Discuss about the Nursing Family Assessment And Care Plan? Answer: Introduction of family The present family is considered for the scope of intervention, assessment, and care planning comprises of total six members. The head of the family is X (age41) male and her wife Y (age38). They have one two kids, younger son xy (age4) at the preschool stage, and elder daughter xx (age8) at school going stage of life. Along with them, two brothers of X are also staying XA (age30) and XB (age25) are also staying in the house. X and Y are working as a school teacher, XA is working as a research scholar, and XB is working in a private software company. The family is residing in my locality, to whom; I have explained the rationale of the interview and associated benefits of healthcare planning. The family is Indian by origin and have moved to this residential place 15 years back. The family practices Hinduism religion and have a good relationship among the family members. In the present concern, Y is suffering from joint pain, which has been diagnosed as arthritis and that it requires a long-term care. The care plan includes medication and occupational therapy since last 2 years. Recently, based on a medical recommendation from a panel of experts, surgery was recommended for the management of this chronic disease. The scope of a family of assessment is thus mainly performed with X and Y related to a health issue, which also include XA and XB into the consideration of family education related to collective health management and for self-management of Y. Figure 1: Genogram of the family Analysis of the family assessment The safety measures have been the key to assessing the family staying condition and that the results are provided in the appendix section. Based on the evaluation result, it was confirmed that the family is maintaining a safe condition for children as well as for other family members staying in the house. Additionally, some of the concerns are identified within the home or in nearby environment, that need particular attention for the efficient and safe living of the family members (Barry Edgman-Levitan, 2012). Weakness and analysis based on assessment form - Based on the safety assessment of the kitchen, all the measures were found to be appropriate except two particular concerns. In particular, the cleaning agents such as phenyl, toilet cleaning agents, and mild acids bottles are found to be kept at ground level within the kitchen. Likewise, the back burners that are used for cooking are also found to be opened, which are identified to have the potential for the safe living of the family. The bathroom condition was also found to be optimal for safe usage such as maintaining the temperature of the water bath, keeping the medications away from the reach of children, unplugging of electrical appliances while not in use (Barry Edgman-Levitan, 2012). The only concern identified includes not using a non-skid strip or mat on the bathtub floor. The children of the house are at the toddler stage of life and hence all the condition found to be optimal for safe living. Whereas in conjunction with the general safety measures, it was identified that the materials such as plastic bags, pieces of foods, small objectives and similar things are not out of reach of xy. Identification of this safety measure is significant as it may cause an accident that can cause complication and/or injury. Similarly for the outdoor standards, there is no storage for syrup of ipecac or similar emetic agents that can be used as any measures for vomiting. The telephone present in the home also does not contain stickers that contain emergency helpline numbers (Coleman, 2015). Though both of these factors are not frequent for usage, yet they are necessary to be placed within the home. It should be noted that in conjunction with the safety practices, the home does not contain particular fire escape plan. Likewise, the there is only one exit to the home, which may cause a problem in any undesirable or emergency fire-related problem. The most important part is that family members place poisonous materials, medicines, and related materials away from the reach of children. Additionally, hygienic condition and hand wash practice is also performed at home that helps in efficient management of health for the family members (Coleman, 2015). Consent - The consent for the learning of safe and healthy practices at home has been signed by the head of the family, which has been attached to the appendix section (Doenges, Moorhouse Murr, 2016). The related rationale for the learning This has been provided along with the analysis of the safety assessment at home. In particular, it is necessary to the family members that xy (youngest daughter of family age4) is free to roam all over the home and hence placing the medication and electric appliances, out of their reach is important. Likewise, xx (son age10) is in the explorative stage of life and will like to try newer activities. Thus using the non-skid mat at the bathtub and maintaining hygienic condition within the home is important. Similarly, both the children of the home will be having the habit of eating anything which is attractive to them. Thus, in order to prevent from any form of accident or poisonous element consumption, it is important for the elders to place syrup of ipecac within the home (Maurer Smith, 2013). The strength of the family - It is interesting to note that none of the family members have a smoking habit, which in turn ensures safe and healthy management of lifestyle. Additionally, the family members are also maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for routine cleaning of the home, regular use of disinfectant, hand washing, daily bath, use of antiseptics and sanitizers, and regular health checkups. Such practice not only avoids frequent illness for the family members but also minimizes the cost of health management and stress level (Maurer Smith, 2013). Assessment of the need for learning Based on this analysis, an important area of learning include precise fire escape plan, use of non-skid mat near a bathtub, placing of cleaning materials away from the reach of children, and sticking of emergency numbers and ipecac syrup within the home that can prove to be effective in emergency timing. The learning environment includes X, Y, XA, and XB that in turn can improve the safety management practice at home in more appropriate manner. Additionally, it was also learned from the family introduction that Y will be having surgery for the treatment of knees pain. Such consideration will be responsible for factors like (i) increased stress in family; (ii) excessive use of medication that may be left in reach to children; (iii) issues related to maintaining hygienic condition within home; and (iv) effective usage, unplugging, and safe storage of burners, medications, electric appliances at home (Maurer Smith, 2013). Additionally, Y is suffering from chronic pain related to arthritis, which also need the provision of self-medication, diet control, and regulation of physical activity. The scope of self-management in this consideration is also linked to other family members that are responsible for supporting the health restoration and health management of Y for routine daily life process. Likewise, for X, it is important to make him aware of the responsibility for arranging the materials, supporting Y in terms of physical and mental stress management, and maintaining a good coordination at home. For XA and XY, the learning paradigm includes the practice of good communication at home, maintaining cleanliness, and not to practice any addicted material consumption. More importantly, for xx and xy, the learning scope include safety training, making them aware of hazards, and Care plan The details of the care plan that include care objectives and monitoring schedule have been prepared according to guidelines of Doenges et al. (2016). Individual family member Care objectives Monitoring schedule X Supporting for mental health of family members Checking the electric appliance, fire devices, and chemical storage within home Responsibility for arranging food and other requirements at home Twice in a week Record maintenance Assessment for routine management with interview Y Medication and food management for timing and regularity Regular physical exercise Routine checkups for follow-intervention Managing the office and rest schedule as per suitability Daily Checklist for medication Communication for assessment of physical and mental stress with interview XA To maintain cleanliness at home Having a good flow of communication at home Not to practice alcohol or any addictive Review the cleanliness, hygienic, and safety measures at home Twice in a week Record maintenance Assessment for routine management with interview XB Same as XA Same as XA xy Explaining not to eat unknown materials/items Describe how to manage/arrange the toys after play Learn not to throw pieces of food materials here and there Daily Reviewing the activity of xy Recording the observation of xy Analysing for any additional learning requirement xx Explaining how to maintain cleanliness and hygienic at home Making aware of the dangerous material, rods, pointed materials Teaching how to maintain a proper coordination with family members Daily Reviewing the activity of xx Recording the observation of xx Analysing for any additional learning requirement Teaching strategies The relevant objective and evaluation methodology that is aligned with respect to the assessment of learning requirements has been detailed in the previous section. This includes consideration of individual role and responsibility in the family. More importantly, it also includes the account of life stage and learning responsiveness of each family member. The monitoring schedule has been framed based on the requirement and implementation judgment of the individual family member (Moorhead, 2013). For the teaching strategic following points will be considered to be applicable to the described family: Use of evidence-based family learning practices will be followed. The collected evidence will be helpful in directing the rationale of a learning plan, which in turn can also be useful for advocating the benefits of learning to individual members. The scope of discussion to the peer nurses, faculty members, physician, and other allied healthcare professionals will also be included. The rationale for such step is to take adequate steps for avoiding biases and error in family learning practices. The record will be maintained for the perception state, response, activity observed, and differential methods used for teaching the individual family members. Repeat assessment of the family will be performed at an interval of one-month duration, which will help in monitoring and evaluate the learned outcomes (Moorhead, 2013). Teaching plan The teaching plan will mainly include important consideration related to (i) Hygienic conditions within home; (ii) Arrangement of material; (iii) Maintaining cleanliness; (iv) Following medication and self-management plan as per the recommendation of physician; (v) Maintaining a good coordination with respect to behaviour, communication, and support to family members; (vi) Taking care of electrical appliances, fireworks, kitchen burners, water bath, cleaning of clothes and utensils; (vii) Involvement of regular physical activities; and (viii) Avoiding addiction material consumption (Maurer Smith, 2013). Though the family members have previous knowledge of cleanliness and hygienic, it is still important to develop a teaching plan for the same. Likewise, the family also have adequate knowledge of health promotion and are involved in regular check-ups, still the same must be included in the teaching plan. The reason is linked to coping with the stress of health of Y and further management for the coordination among other family members. In addition to this, the children of the family should also be considered within the family to take care of appropriate learning, which in turn will help in avoiding and accident or fatal injuries (Coleman, 2015). Outcomes of teaching In general, the teaching outcomes that are desired with the presented analysis and developed teaching plan include following measures (Doenges, Moorhouse Murr, 2016): The family members will have adequate knowledge related to cleanliness and hygienic maintenance. The stress level among the family member will be maintained at an optimal level, where support and communication flow will be maintained adequately. The health status of the family members will be maintained at controlled and healthy Children and adults will be made learned for effective health practices that in turn will minimize/improve the health burden and health cost management in the family.

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