Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparing Democracy Gaps And Participation - 887 Words

The actual aim of this study is regarding comparing democracy gaps and participation between Arab Muslim countries and non-Arab Muslim countries. The authors explain that the sixteen Arab countries in the world are not democratic and have the lowest rates of Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDPpc) concerning competitive elections. The authors continue in their arguments and study stating that thirty-one countries which are Muslim, but non-Arab in contrast have much higher rates of GDPpc in competitive elections. The authors are trying to examine what makes such differences in these two different categories of countries. The authors begin their thorough examination studying from the years from 1972 to 2000. The authors start contrasting countries that are Arab Muslim and non-Arab Muslim, and the authors’ study regarding electoral competitiveness found that religions other than Islam dominate. The second stage is by qualitative, which is measuring more by quality than by quantity, it concentrated more on evaluating all the forty-seven Muslim dominant states and seeing which met the standard to be labeled as an electoral competitive state. The authors then move to the third and last stage of their examination, which they emphasize on the five main theoretical and political suggestions that the prior two stages declare. The authors’ studies are not based on legitimate democratic countries, but on two standards, first, the countries that had reasonable fairShow MoreRelatedThe Pengagons New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century by Dr. Thomas P.M. Barnett1772 Words   |  7 Pagesglobalization. He separates the world into three sections, the Functioning Core, the Gap, and Seam States. 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