Thursday, May 14, 2020

Lgbt Rights Movement And The Lgbt Community - 1288 Words

A social situation that took place in the 20th century was the Gay Rights Movement, also known as the LGBT social movement. I prefer not to call this social event a problem, for the reason that after researching this topic, I found that it was a great achievement for the LGBT community. LGBT stands for lesbians, gay, bisexual, and transgender. The purpose of the Gay Rights Movement was to organize efforts to end the criminalization of homosexuality and protect the civil rights of homosexuals. The beginning of the movement was said to be taken place in the Stonewall Inn, a Greenwich Village bar. A riot that caused numerous problems for the gay community took place June, 1969 (Gay and Lesbian Rights). Furthermore, this riot broke out due to†¦show more content†¦During a raid from the police, gay activist decided to stand their ground and protest gay rights. The riot lasted two nights and nearly 2,000 homosexuals battled against 400 policemen in hope for equality (Dudley, 2000 ). Soon afterwards the first protest it led to the Stonewall riots and the foremost gay rights organization became known. With society changing homosexuals felt the need to organize with the concern of being pursued. The systems that were established thanks to the Stonewall riot was the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activist Alliance. GLF stood for coalitions with other progressive groups while, GAA took a single issue stance and was more influential in the movement. GLF came out with an advertisement in a paper that was called â€Å"Come out!† this was the first act taken after the Stonewall riot, but was not the first publication made by the gay community. The point of this publication was to acquire homosexual men and women to come out and be known to the community. In the newspaper they do not disclose names, for the fact that the homosexuals could lose their occupations. With this being said the writers are tired of not being able to express themselves for who they were. Homosexuals at this time were at a standstill on what to do with their sexual preference. Homosexuality in this time wa s still widely publicly detested, and more often than not it was seen as malaise or a mental illness, instead of a valid

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