Monday, May 25, 2020

Different Views on Cloning Essay - 1579 Words

When people think of the word cloning they think of evil scientist in a dark laboratory’s full of dangerous and scary instruments of science for conducting experiments, when actually the word clone means, â€Å"a cell, cell product, or organism that is genetically identical to the unit or individual from which it was derived († In the past 50 years the science community has made many discoveries such as the cures for different life threatening diseases, different techniques of approaching different types of cancer, and different uses for the practice of cloning. Different people have many opinions about cloning. Some people in the medical field support the practice of cloning, because they believe it can help cure certain†¦show more content†¦Another reason the scientific community rejects the idea of cloning is because some homosexual couples want children and that is the only way they can conceive children, but â€Å"Some people want to ban h uman cloning because they believe this is the only method that homosexuals can have children that will most likely be homosexual too (Phil B.)†, which only shows ignorance of the average closed minded American chauvinist. Some other people do not support the practice of cloning for making race of super strong, less intelligent, sub humans being used for slavery and cheap labor. If scientist were to make a race of sub humans for slavery then that would completely undermine the Emancipation Proclamation that declared, â€Å"that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are, and henceforward shall be free (Lincoln)†, which eventually lead up to Juneteenth, the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Most people that do not support the practice of cloning because that it kills most embryos in the delicate process of cloning because, â€Å"During the human cloning process, a lot of human embryos are created and teste d for viability. Some are either discarded or frozen for future use. First, it is heavily debated if killing a human embryo that is only a few living cells is murdering a person (Phil for Humanity)†, and many people view it as murder. 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