Thursday, December 26, 2019

Just Listen Witnessing Trauma By Tim O Brien s The...

In Susan Farrell, the author of â€Å"Just Listen†: Witnessing Trauma in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried, mentioned â€Å"...all theorists agree that the process of recovery from trauma must involve a narrativization of traumatic event--putting a sensory images into words in order to integrate trauma into a person s life story† (186). However, without reading Cathy Caruth’s Trauma, readers will not understand that not only integrating trauma into a narrative will help them recover but it also allows the witness apprehend their flashbacks into meaning. Flashbacks, although are taunting, has the most vivid images compared to narrated memories. For one to remember a highlight or a significant moment, one must preserve it as a flashback. In The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien convert his flashbacks into narrative memories allowing himself and readers to comprehend his experiences, but O’Brien also added flashbacks into his memories create the most graphic images for the readers. Farrell argues, â€Å"Merely telling one’s story of trauma, however is not enough to begin the healing process† (186). Flashbacks are more than a memory, even if one tells others their flashbacks, one still would not understand the meaning or the significance of the intrusive memory. According to Caruth, â€Å"The flashbacks or traumatic reenactment conveys , that is both the truth of an event, and the truth of its incomprehensibility† (Caruth 153). In order for one to understand and heal from their trauma, one

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay The Character of Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby

The Character of Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby Time tells us that success often comes with a price. Often money will create more problems than it can solve. The richness of a person’s soul can be hidden in the folds of money. Such is the case of Jay Gatsby. Jay Gatsby is constantly altering in the readers mind due to the various puzzling events that transpire in the novel creating a level of mystery. First off, Gatsby is a man who feels secure in his privacy and allows very few people into his personal life due to lack of trust. Jay often throws parties at his lavish house, only to shrink away from contact with his various guests that frolic in his privately funded bashes. He does not drink, mainly because he has a high†¦show more content†¦Only when Gatsby produces a metal of valor earned in the war does Nick believe in his war service stories. Even then Nick has a hard time believing Gatsby’s educational background because of his uncomfortable declaration that he attended Oxford, a very prestigious English university. Trust is not a strong point of Gastby’s makeup and lifestyle. Therefore, when looking at Gatsby’s most impressive traits one thing that pops up is his energetic smile, vibrant personality, and loyalty to those who he respects or cares about. It is important to mention the fact that Gatsby always seemed to make every person feel important and at ease while conversing with him. It was his nature to express courtesy to any guest he came in contact with, no matter how insignificant they were or what their occupation was. As far as loyalty is concerned, it is best represented in his devotion to Daisy Buchanan. With his money and notoriety he could have easily have had numerous love opportunities. He sacrificed all openings for love as he stoked the coals trying to ignite a past flame with a married women. Even when Jay and Daisy’s relationship was over in the readers mind Gatsby still clung to a hope of having a life with her. He loyally stayed at her house to the wee hours of the morning, convinced her husband was a live wire that could erupt and physically punish his wife. This he displayed to a women that is impossible to love anyone butShow MoreRelated Comparison of the Presentation of the Characters Jay Gatsby and Dick Diver from The Great Gatsby5279 Words   |  22 PagesComparison of the Presentation of the Characters Jay Gatsby and Dick Diver from The Great Gatsby   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  F. Scott Fitzgerald is known as a writer who chronicled his times. This work has been critically acclaimed for portraying the sentiments of the American people during the 1920s and 1930s. ‘The Great Gatsby’ was written in 1924, whilst the Fitzgeralds were staying on the French Riviera, and ‘Tender is the Night’ was written nearly ten years later, is set on, among other places, the Riviera.Read MoreCharacter Analysis of Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald999 Words   |  4 Pages The Great Gatsby is an extraordinary novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who tells the story about the wealthy man of Long Island named, Jay Gatsby, a middle aged man with a mysterious past, who lives at a gothic mansion and hosts many parties with many strangers who were not entirely invited. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, many characters are discussed uniquely to an extent from the festive, yet status hungry Roaring Twenties. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald introducesRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1413 Words   |  6 PagesAmy Zaragoza Mr. Crook AP Language and Composition Period 1 August 29, 2014 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald 180 Pages 1925 Point of View The Great Gatsby is told in first person, through the eyes of Nick Carraway. Nick Carraway is the protagonist of the novel. By having Nick Carraway as the narrator, readers get to experience what it is like to live in a wealthy, elegant world. Carraway utilized his point of view by showing readers the pointRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1562 Words   |  7 Pageswas having the best time of their lives. An example of these extravagant times was in the the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Who shows that money can corrupt a person s relationship with others. Set in Long Island a town called West Egg in the 1920s, the novel The Great Gatsby shows how relationships have a big meaning in what people s lives are really about. It turns the characters into only caring about money and their social status. Money controls their every move, and with justRead MoreEssay Comparison The Great Gatsby and The Talented Mr. Ripley1689 Words   |  7 PagesThe Gr eat Gatsby and The Talented Mr. Ripley It can be seen that The Great Gatsby, by Scott Fitzgerald is one the greatest novels of all time. Its method to depict The American Dream has been attempted to be matched an uncountable amount of times. Other aspects used in The Great Gatsby, by Scott Fitzgerald, have also been employed in many forms of media such as novel and movies. One that has done particularly well to employ them is the 1999 motion picture The Talented Mr. Ripley, directedRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1599 Words   |  7 Pagespopular novels is named The Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby is written to reproduce the environment that Fitzgerald was living in. This semiautobiographical work uses fictitious characters to portray how people around Fitzgerald acted and what the overall theme of America was at this point in time. The years that ensued World War I were known for mass productions of alcohol, grand parties, and greed for money. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald depicts America through J ay Gatsby, expresses the conditionRead MoreCompare And Contrast Jack And Jay Gatsby932 Words   |  4 PagesJack and Jay Gatsby made a name for themselves, but they each achieved their goals in different manners. Jack from Fifty Grand and Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby were two of the many Hemingway and Fitzgerald created characters that we learned about in class. They had many similarities, however at times they were are completely opposite, for those reasons I have used them as my selected characters to compare and contrast. Jack and Jay Gatsby both had great success but regardless they both riskedRead MoreAchieving Dreams Illegally1543 Words   |  7 Pageswere many cases of specific people and even characters who were famous for their involvement in organized crime during the 1920s. One of these characters was Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby. The author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, may have even based this character after one of the most well-known organized criminals of the time. Jay Gatsby becomes involved in crime to try and win over the love of his life, who he had left five years back. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays the negativeRead MoreDifference Between Illusion And Reality In The Great Gatsby1024 Words   |  5 Pagesreality and illusion? Fitzgerald shows this with the character Jay Gatsby. It can be hard to tell the difference between illusion and reality because we are so numb to it. Reality television is an ironic name for something so False it is not even close to the eve ryday life of a normal American, so from the day we’re old enough to watch tv we are exposed to illusion. The title â€Å"The Great Gatsby† is an accurate title for this book because it depicts Gatsby correctly; Magicians are viewed in admiration becauseRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1286 Words   |  6 PagesLiterary devices are prominent in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s writing of The Great Gatsby. To begun, he makes use of many allusions to Arthurian legends, the philosopher Plato, Trimalchio, and Christ. Furthermore, to better understand the characters, he utilizes symbolism. In conclusion, throughout The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald incorporates subtle, yet flawless use of literary devices to aid in the development of characters and theme. First and foremost, F. Scott Fitzgerald utilizes

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Accounting Financial Analysis Report Analysis Liquidity Position

Question: Discuss About The Financial Report Analysis Liquidity Position? Answer: Introducation Current ratio The current ratio of Blackmores Limited is 1.53 for 2015 and 1.63 for 2016 which is more than the required rate of 1. It can be recognized from the above calculation that the liquidity position of the company for the year has been improved. The current ratio of any company is regarded as healthy if it is 1 or more than one. However, the ratio more than 2 indicates that the company is not utilising its working capital in efficient way (Morris and Shin 2016). Therefore, it can be said that the liquidity position of the company is good and they are in comfortable position to pay-off their current obligation comfortably. Acid test ratio It is calculated that the acid test ratio for Blackmores limited for the Year 2015 is 0.93 and that of 2016 is 1.30. The acid test ratio identifies whether the organization is capable of paying off its short-term obligations with the available short-term assets. Generally the acid test ratio of between the range of 0,20 to 0.50 is considered healthy (Noor and Lodhi 2015). It can be identified that the liquidity position of the company while the inventories are not considered is quite healthy. Though, the ratio of 2016 is quite better as compared to that of 2015, the acid test ratio of both the year is healthy. Financial advice to improve the overall liquidity position Reducing the overhead reducing the overhead of the company is one of the ways to improve the liquidity position (Zhu 2014). Operating expenses or overhead cost include various things that do not contribute to the profit. Some common overheads like insurance, utilities, rent, and professional fees can be reduced to improve the overall liquidity position. Analysis of capital structure ratio Proprietors ratio It can be seen that the proprietors ratio of Blackmores Limited is 42% for the year 2015 and 45% for the year 2016. The proprietors ratio of Blackmores Limited reveals that the shareholders contribution in the total capital of the organization. The low proprietary ratio like 40 - 50% is indicating that the company has strong position with regard to the finance and the creditors are highly secured. On the contrary, the higher ratio like more than 50% would have indicated that the company is highly dependent on the debts for its business operation (Zeitun and Tian 2014). Further, the bigger portion of debt in the capital decreases the interest of the creditors, increase the expenses towards interest and increase the risk related to bankruptcy. Generally, the ratio of 40% is considered as healthy for the organization. Therefore, it can be said that the proprietors ratio of the company is under control. Debt to total asset ratio Debt to total asset ratio of Blackmores Limited is 58% for the year 2015 and 55% for the year 2016. Normally, the ratio of 50 - 60% is indicating that the position of Blackmores is healthy for the organization to be viable in the long-run. It is the leverage ratio that calculates the amount of the total asset financed by the creditors rather than the investors. On other words, it is the ratio of asset that is financed through borrowing. Generally, it evaluates how the company is growing and acquiring the assets over the time (Robb and Robinson 2014). It can be seen that the Therefore, it can be said that the debt to total asset ratio of the company is as per requirement. Analysis of profitability position of the company Inventory turnover ratio the ratio of the company for 2015 as 0.95 and for 2016 0.69 is indicating that of the company is quite impressive as it is able sell 69% of its inventory within a year for 2016. From the above it is identified that the companys inventory turnover ratio is declined in 2016 as compared to that of 2015. However, the ratio of the company is quite impressive as it is able sell 69% of its inventory within a year for 2016. This ratio is the efficiency ratio and revels how effectively the company is managing its inventory through comparison of COGS with the average inventory for the specific period. This ratio is states the time which, the inventory is sold or turned into cash by Blackmores during the year. If the company purchases large amount of inventory it has to sale large amount of inventory to improve the inventory turnover ratio. However, if the company is not able to sell its inventories in timely manner, it will have to incur various costs like holding cos ts and storage costs. Return on invested capital However, from the table it is revealed that the OIC of the company is 23% in 2016 as compared to the 21% of 2015. Therefore, it can be said that the ROIC of the company has improved in 2016 as compared to 2015. This ratio is used for assessing the efficiency of the company with regard to the allocation of its capital for the profitable investment. ROIC reveals how the company is utilising its capital for generation of income (Ioannidis et al. 2014). However, whether the return is good or bad, it depends on the companys cost of capital. If the return is more than the cost of capital, it is regarded as good return and vice versa. Analysis of asset management efficiency position Receivable turnover ratio - From the above table it is identified that the receivable turnover ratio of the company has improved as compared to the year 2015 and for 2015 it was 4 times approximately and for 2016 it was 5 times approximately. It is measured to calculate the efficiency of a company with regard to extension of credit and collection of the dues. It is the activity ratio that states the efficiency of a company in utilization of its assets. a high ratio indicates that the company is making its sales mainly on cash and on the contrary a low ratio suggests that the company has poor collection procedures and an inefficient credit policy or the customers are going through bad financial condition (Tayeh, Al-Jarrah and Tarhini 2015). Fixed asset turnover ratio It can be identified from the above table that the ratio for the year 2016 is better as compared to 2015. A higher ratio indicates the better turnover position and higher level of efficiency. It is used by the financial analyst to measure the operating performance of the company and the ability of the company to create sales from the fixed asset like property, plant and equipment or investment (Robinson et al. 2015). Investment decision Looking at the performance of the company through various ratios for the year 2015 as well as 2016 it is concluded that the firm is a better one to invest in as the financial performance of the company is as per the industry standards and will definitely provide the investor with positive return. The reasons of investment are as follows Return on invested capital of the company is 21% and 23% respectively for 2015 and 2016. It indicates that the company will provide consistent return to the investors. The current ratio of the company is 1.63 and 1.53 respectively for the year 2015 and 2016. It indicates that the company is efficient and in better position to pay-off their short-term obligations efficiently and thereby expected that the investors will get their return on time. Reference Ioannidis, J.P., Greenland, S., Hlatky, M.A., Khoury, M.J., Macleod, M.R., Moher, D., Schulz, K.F. and Tibshirani, R., 2014. Increasing value and reducing waste in research design, conduct, and analysis. The Lancet, 383(9912), pp.166-175. Morris, S. and Shin, H.S., 2016. Illiquidity component of credit risk. International Economic Review, 57(4), pp.1135-1148. Noor, A. and Lodhi, S., 2015. Impact of Liquidity Ratio on Profitability: An Empirical Study of Automobile Sector in Karachi. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, p.639. Robb, A.M. and Robinson, D.T., 2014. The capital structure decisions of new firms. The Review of Financial Studies, 27(1), pp.153-179. Robinson, T.R., Henry, E., Pirie, W.L. and Broihahn, M.A., 2015. International financial statement analysis. John Wiley Sons. Tayeh, M., Al-Jarrah, I.M. and Tarhini, A., 2015. Accounting vs. market-based measures of firm performance related to information technology investments. Zeitun, R. and Tian, G.G., 2014. Capital structure and corporate performance: evidence from Jordan. Zhu, J., 2014. Quantitative models for performance evaluation and benchmarking: data envelopment analysis with spreadsheets (Vol. 213). Springer.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Spring And Fall Essays - English-language Films, Open University

Spring And Fall Annonymous The play Educating Rita by Willy Russell gained great popularity especially during the early eighties. There has also been a movie made from it starring Julie Walters and the more famous Michael Caine. As so often the case, the movie was more elaborate with additional scenes, some of which were spoken of or retold by the actors in the play. The movie also included several actors while the play only featured two, Frank and Rita. After having read the play and seen the movie I am struck by a number of differences. Seemingly subtle, many small details have a great impact on how the story can and is being perceived. The movie offers much more background information on other characters and events that are important to the story. 'The Screenwriter's Bible' by David Trottier offers a good insight in script writing and story structure. It deals with the basic elements of a typical screenplay, and explains what it actually is that an audience craves. Many of the principles can and should be applied to any story whether a screenplay, theatric play, novel or short story. The play is much more predictable in the sense that a great many things are bound not to happen on stage. In fact nothing taking place outside Frank's office can be seen by the audience. All action is inevitably confined within these four walls. When Frank invites Rita to his home for dinner in the play the audience are not set up for suspension as to how it will turn out since they already know that whatever happens will not take place before them, but will be retold. The movie is several scenes richer. Some of these scenes are in the play retold by the actors and some of them are not there at all. Scene three in act two begins with Frank cursing Sod them-no fuck them! Fuck them, eh, Rita? Neither Rita or the audience have the first clue as to what he is referring to. As the dialogue progresses they audience is informed that he is upset because the students reported him since he had been very drunk while giving his last lecture. The audience never get to see the actual scene where this happens. The can never witness Frank staggering and slurring in front of the class. They are not given a fair chance to make an assessment whether they accept Frank's behavior and side with him, or if they think it serves him right to be reported. David Trottier claims Never tell what you can show. Be as visual as possible. Rather than two ladies at tea commenting on the fact that Darla skydives for relaxation, show us Darla actually jumping from a plane, or show her coming home with a parachute and trying to stuff it into the closet. The fact that the audience meet with only two characters in the play is limiting in the sense that a lot of information is implicit or even withheld. David Trottier says One key to making a drama dramatic is to create a strong central character with a powerful goal, and then provide a strong opposition character who tries to stop the central character from achieving this goal. This assures us of conflict. And conflict is drama. Denny, Rita's husband strongly opposes her spending time on education. He wants her to have a baby and become a house-wife and throughout most of the play he is trying make her quit what she is doing. Denny is definitely the opposition character. In the play Rita tells Frank that Denny has burnt all her books, and again the action is retold. In the movie we actually get to see the anger and frenzy of Denny, which gives a much more clear background and perhaps a deeper understanding of Rita's conflict with her husband. Another thing that sheds more light on things is the ending of the movie which makes for a more definite resolution. In the end of the last scene of the play Rita says I'm gonna take ten years off you... and then proceeds to cut Frank's hair. The movie takes us a little further. We get to see Frank's new haircut when he is at the airport and Rita has come to see him off. They hug tenderly and part as friends with smiles on their faces. What is perhaps even more important for the resolution is that Frank actually gets on the plane to Australia. When reading the play there is room for doubt whether he really took the plunge

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Genetic Engineering, history and future Essays - Molecular Biology

Genetic Engineering, history and future Essays - Molecular Biology Genetic Engineering, history and future Altering the Face of Science Science is a creature that continues to evolve at a much higher rate than the beings that gave it birth. The transformation time from tree-shrew, to ape, to human far exceeds the time from analytical engine, to calculator, to computer. But science, in the past, has always remained distant. It has allowed for advances in production, transportation, and even entertainment, but never in history will science be able to so deeply affect our lives as genetic engineering will undoubtedly do. With the birth of this new technology, scientific extremists and anti-technologists have risen in arms to block its budding future. Spreading fear by misinterpretation of facts, they promote their hidden agendas in the halls of the United States congress. Genetic engineering is a safe and powerful tool that will yield unprecedented results, specifically in the field of medicine. It will usher in a world where gene defects, bacterial disease, and even aging are a thing of the past. By understanding genetic engineering and its history, discovering its possibilities, and answering the moral and safety questions it brings forth, the blanket of fear covering this remarkable technical miracle can be lifted. The first step to understanding genetic engineering, and embracing its possibilities for society, is to obtain a rough knowledge base of its history and method. The basis for altering the evolutionary process is dependant on the understanding of how individuals pass on characteristics to their offspring. Genetics achieved its first foothold on the secrets of nature's evolutionary process when an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel developed the first "laws of heredity." Using these laws, scientists studied the characteristics of organisms for most of the next one hundred years following Mendel's discovery. These early studies concluded that each organism has two sets of character determinants, or genes (Stableford 16). For instance, in regards to eye color, a child could receive one set of genes from his father that were encoded one blue, and the other brown. The same child could also receive two brown genes from his mother. The conclusion for this inheritance would be the child has a three in four chance of having brown eyes, and a one in three chance of having blue eyes (Stableford 16). Genes are transmitted through chromosomes which reside in the nucleus of every living organism's cells. Each chromosome is made up of fine strands of deoxyribonucleic acids, or DNA. The information carried on the DNA determines the cells function within the organism. Sex cells are the only cells that contain a complete DNA map of the organism, therefore, "the structure of a DNA molecule or combination of DNA molecules determines the shape, form, and function of the [organism's] offspring " (Lewin 1). DNA discovery is attributed to the research of three scientists, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and James Dewey Watson in 1951. They were all later accredited with the Nobel Price in physiology and medicine in 1962 (Lewin 1). "The new science of genetic engineering aims to take a dramatic short cut in the slow process of evolution" (Stableford 25). In essence, scientists aim to remove one gene from an organism's DNA, and place it into the DNA of another organism. This would create a new DNA strand, full of new encoded instructions; a strand that would have taken Mother Nature millions of years of natural selection to develop. Isolating and removing a desired gene from a DNA strand involves many different tools. DNA can be broken up by exposing it to ultra-high-frequency sound waves, but this is an extremely inaccurate way of isolating a desirable DNA section (Stableford 26). A more accurate way of DNA splicing is the use of "restriction enzymes, which are produced by various species of bacteria" (Clarke 1). The restriction enzymes cut the DNA strand at a particular location called a nucleotide base, which makes up a DNA molecule. Now that the desired portion of the DNA is cut out, it can be joined to another strand of DNA by using enzymes called ligases. The final important step in the creation of a new DNA strand is giving it the ability to self-replicate. This can be accomplished by using special pieces of DNA, called vectors, that permit the generation of multiple copies of a total DNA strand and fusing it to the newly created DNA structure. Another newly developed method, called polymerase chain reaction, allows for faster replication of DNA

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Waking Life

Richard Linklater accomplished a vision that he had almost scrapped until the immergence of a new technique in rotoscoped animation. Waking Life is a film infused with the power of animation that takes us through a journey of dreams and makes one question their own reality. The method of animation used was the step to making this powerful piece of cinema a reality and would not have happened without it. Rotoscoping was inventing in 1915 by animation pioneer Max Fleischer. It is a method that takes live action footage and traces over the images to produce very realistic movement. It is because of this tracing method that some feel rotoscoping is a sort of a cheat or easy way out. However, rotoscoping and other forms like it are a way to explore animation and its creativity even further; it allows animators more artistic freedom by saving labor: â€Å"To not use these labor saving methods and tools would take us back to the days when acetate cells weren’t invented and you had not only to animate every frame but had to redraw the background every time as well.† It was this type of freedom that allowed everyone involved with the piece to create a film that is just as visually stunning as it is narrativly. Director Richard Linklater wanted to bring artist, like painters, who did not necessarily know anything about producing animation and involve them in the process as animators. To accomplish this Linklater enlisted animator Bob Sabiston as art director. Sabiston brought with him his own developed software nicknamed RotoShop. This software was the tool that allowed artists of all animation levels to create their visions. It is a system that allows artists to trace over the video (Quicktime) with Wacom pens and tablets with results that are very close to brush strokes on a canvas. This method is accelerated due to the software’s interpolation system, which automatically connects lines within so many frames. Sabiston co... Free Essays on Waking Life Free Essays on Waking Life Richard Linklater accomplished a vision that he had almost scrapped until the immergence of a new technique in rotoscoped animation. Waking Life is a film infused with the power of animation that takes us through a journey of dreams and makes one question their own reality. The method of animation used was the step to making this powerful piece of cinema a reality and would not have happened without it. Rotoscoping was inventing in 1915 by animation pioneer Max Fleischer. It is a method that takes live action footage and traces over the images to produce very realistic movement. It is because of this tracing method that some feel rotoscoping is a sort of a cheat or easy way out. However, rotoscoping and other forms like it are a way to explore animation and its creativity even further; it allows animators more artistic freedom by saving labor: â€Å"To not use these labor saving methods and tools would take us back to the days when acetate cells weren’t invented and you had not only to animate every frame but had to redraw the background every time as well.† It was this type of freedom that allowed everyone involved with the piece to create a film that is just as visually stunning as it is narrativly. Director Richard Linklater wanted to bring artist, like painters, who did not necessarily know anything about producing animation and involve them in the process as animators. To accomplish this Linklater enlisted animator Bob Sabiston as art director. Sabiston brought with him his own developed software nicknamed RotoShop. This software was the tool that allowed artists of all animation levels to create their visions. It is a system that allows artists to trace over the video (Quicktime) with Wacom pens and tablets with results that are very close to brush strokes on a canvas. This method is accelerated due to the software’s interpolation system, which automatically connects lines within so many frames. Sabiston co...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tobacco Horror Show Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tobacco Horror Show - Essay Example Throughout the article, an attempt has been made to conclude which of the means, literal or visual, is most effective when it comes to delivering ‘the right’ information. The question is, what is more important, the tobacco companies business that will be affected or public health that is always put on the line due to their tobacco production and products? The answer is simple and in my opinion, a smoker needs to be conveyed a message, in a way, that it actually delivers neutralized related aspects such as bad lungs, cancerous cause, short breath, addiction and eventually a shorter span of life. Moreover, a literal message might not have the same effect as compared to the one that is visually displayed as it can be adequate for the smoker to develop the right understanding. The motive should be to educate smokers and to help them overcome the smoking practice or addiction. Displaying images that depict the internal and overall destruction of a human body will make a smok er think twice. Works cited Fish, Stanley. "The Tobacco Horror Show."Â  New York Times. 14 Nov. 2011. Web. 13 Dec. 2011. . The Age of the Superfluous Worker America’s survival in the global economy today is questioned as the unemployment ratio has consistently climbed, as observed. As the situation worsens the estimated jobless ratio has now hiked to almost 15% of the overall work force. These statistics include the type that has now given up their search for work, the superfluous workers. These issues, when combined, severely contribute to the ever-increasing surplus pool. If present-day capitalism continues to eliminate a greater number of jobs as compared to what it creates, soon, along with the addition to surplus labor, majority of workers will eventually turn into superfluous workers. If a considerable proportion is continued to be expelled from within the American work force, soon America will transform into a disturbed society. This age has rightly been named ‘ the age of the superfluous worker’. Where there are less job opportunities for every American citizen, most of them transform into superfluous workers. According to my point of view, government needs to focus more on creating jobs and providing earning opportunities to its own people. If unemployment continues to climb heights, the youth is estimated to reach the ‘surplus state’ at an early age. If out-sourcing offices to lower waged countries continues, an ongoing addition to superfluous workers is never likely to halt. Other than the government concentrating more on creating jobs, employers also need to play a considerable role. They need to understand the fact that if they continue to outsource businesses, soon a time will come when the nation’s youth will be mentally challenged. Works cited Fish, Stanley. "The Age of the Superfluous Worker."Â  The New York Times. 14 Nov. 2011. Web. 13 Dec. 2011. . Moving Beyond Civil Rights Initially, civil rights mad e America a united and fair nation yet in the present, civil rights have failed to bring about any changes in the lives of many minorities, women and the unemployed. Due to the initial successful implementation of civil rights laws, Americans perceive every issue of social injustice